The R.Y.S.E Movement.

The R.Y.S.E Movement

Raise Your Standards Everywhere!

This movment was created from necessity thanks to the current state of modern society.

As men, it often feels like the weight of the world is on our back. Everyone and everything relying on us.

Everywhere we turn there is a sickness of ideology, corruption, greed and victimhood.

If you're anything like I am, you're sick to death of it all.

If only there was a powerful solution for ALL men worldwide to get behind.

This is THE solution for men everywhere to take powerful responsibility for their lifes results & start navigating towards a life they can be proud of.

Everything in your life comes down to standards.

It is time to start Raising Your Standards Everywhere & create a world that we can be proud to raise our children.

Where Do I Start?

The first place to start Raising Your Standards Everywhere is by diving into your own lifes standards and evaluating them.

I have provided this resource, The R.Y.S.E Method for a minimal investment of $x.

In this program you will dive deep into the current standards you operate by, overhaul them & become a man of immense action by upgrading and Raising Your Standards Everywhere!

Click the link below to sign up.

Here's What Other Men Have Said


"The level of standards I was accepting created a numbness within my relationship. So much so, I was just barely tolerating my wife. Now I feel like I have the power and standard to have the marriage and connection I want!"


"I have learned so much about the piss poor level I held myself accountable to. I have a failed marriage, I don't see my kids & I hate my job. All of that changes now I am dedicated to the R.Y.S.E Movement!'


"I've lived week to week my entire life, always blaming my parents that they never taught me how to handle money. Then it dawned on me that I have no standards around money. I wasn't shown but I didn't do anything about it either. This has shown me every other place in my life I keep that same standard of victimhood & I'm fucking sick of it. Time to R.Y.S.E.


Hi, I'm Dave Kerestesi

I've been a men's coach, personal trainer & PD junkie since 2008.

I've seen so many different fads, coaches, modalities come and go over my time & I kept wondering what is the philosophy underneath the PD world.

This is where I uncovered that everything comes down to standards!

You hold a blueprint inside your mind that is largely unconscious.

This blueprint holds your beleifs, values, paradigms & STANDARDS.

However, most men have no idea why they are the way they are or better yet.... why their results aren't what they deserve.

So many men work their asses off, only to fall flat on their faces time and time again...

Wondering wtf went wrong.

It's all down to your standards!

Join me as I teach you all about the R.Y.S.E Method & spread awareness of our R.Y.S.E Movment towards a world we can be proud of!